Thursday, January 13, 2011


A new year brings new hope, new beginning and new phase to many. And down here we hope to bring some fresh ideas into our product. In Nigeria, this year will be a decider as we forge ahead politically, to get a new leader. The North and South are locked zoning brouhaha in the ruling political party; People's Democratic Party, PDP. The opposition political parties are not leaving the stone unturned as they are poised to remove the PDP.
Well, all eyes will be on Nigeria from now till April; the world is watching. 
The nation was been ravaged in fear, late last December with bomb explosions around the country. So many innocent souls have been killed and even the Jos crisis is still on and a solution is still far from the government. 
However, the entertainment industry is still buzzing with the Nigerian Idol. The producers have vowed to produced the best star Nigerian has never had. Well, let's wait to see.
However this year, I promise you it will be an admixture of entertainment, politics and social issues. I will update you on stories and events. Most times, I will give you pictures that tell these stories. 
Let's Keep keeping the scene buzzing!

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